Seminar Gratis SMU / SMA Sederajat

Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

Kekuatan Dahsyat Manusia..

Source: email teman sekantor, entah darimana dia, intinya mohon ijin untuk disebarkan :) ( thanks Hariono for ur sharing)..

1. Kekuatan Impian (The Power of Dreams)

Untuk memperoleh hal-hal terbaik dalam kehidupan ini, setiap kita harus memiliki impian dan tujuan hidup yang jelas. Setiap kita harus berani memimpikan hal-hal terindah dan terbaik yang kita inginkan bagi kehidupan kita dan kehidupan orang-orang yang kita cintai.
Tanpa impian, kehidupan kita akan berjalan tanpa arah dan akhirnya kita tidak menyadari dan tidak mampu mengendalikan ke mana sesungguhnya kehidupan kita akan menuju.

2. Kekuatan dari Fokus (The Power of Focus)

Fokus adalah daya (power) untuk melihat sesuatu termasuk masa depan, impian, sasaran atau hal-hal lain seperti kekuatan dan kelemahan dalam diri, peluang di sekitar kita, sehingga lebih jelas dan mengambil langkah untuk mencapainya.
Seperti sebuah kacamata yang membantu seorang untuk melihat lebih jelas, kekuatan fokus membantu kita melihat impian, sasaran, dan kekuatan kita dengan lebih jelas, sehingga kita tidak ragu-ragu dalam melangkah untuk mewujudkannya.

3. Kekuatan Disiplin Diri (The Power of Self Discipline)

Pengulangan adalah kekuatan yang dahsyat untuk mencapai keunggulan. Kita adalah apa yang kita lakukan berulang-ulang. Menurut filsuf Aristoteles, keunggulan adalah sebuah kebiasaan.
Kebiasaan terbangun dari kedisiplinan diri yang secara konsisten dan terus-menerus melakukan sesuatu tindakan yang membawa pada puncak prestasi seseorang. Kebiasaan kita akan menentukan masa depan kita.
Untuk membangun kebiasaan tersebut, diperlukan disiplin diri yang kokoh. Sedangkan kedisiplinan adalah bagaimana kita mengalahkan diri kita dan mengendalikannya untuk mencapai impian dan hal-hal terbaik dalam kehidupan ini.

4. Kekuatan Perjuangan (The Power of Survival)

Setiap manusia diberikan kekuatan untuk menghadapi kesulitan dan penderitaan. Justru melalui berbagai kesulitan itulah kita dibentuk menjadi ciptaan Tuhan yang tegar dalam menghadapi berbagai kesulitan dan kegagalan.
Seringkali kita lupa untuk belajar bagaimana caranya menghadapi kegagalan dan kesulitan hidup, karena justru kegagalan itu sendiri merupakan unsur atau bahan yang utama dalam mencapai keberhasilan atau kehidupan yang berkelimpahan.

5. Kekuatan Pembelajaran (The Power of Learning)

Salah satu kekuatan manusia adalah kemampuannya untuk belajar. Dengan belajar kita dapat menghadapi dan menciptakan perubahan dalam kehidupan kita. Dengan belajar kita dapat bertumbuh hari demi hari menjadi manusia yang lebih baik.
Belajar adalah proses seumur hidup. Sehingga dengan senantiasa belajar dalam kehidupan ini, kita dapat terus meningkatkan taraf kehidupan kita pada aras yang lebih tinggi.

6. Kekuatan Pikiran (The Power of Mind)

Pikiran adalah anugerah Tuhan yang paling besar dan paling terindah. Dengan memahami cara bekerja dan mengetahui bagaimana cara mendayagunakan kekuatan pikiran, kita dapat menciptakan hal-hal terbaik bagi kehidupan kita.
Dengan melatih dan mengembangkan kekuatan pikiran, selain kecerdasan intelektual dan kecerdasan kreatif kita meningkat, juga secara bertahap kecerdasan emosional dan bahkan kecerdasan spiritual kita akan bertumbuh dan berkembang ke tataran yang lebih tinggi.
Semua dari kita berhak dan memiliki kekuatan untuk mencapai kehidupan yang berkelimpahan dan memperoleh hal-hal terbaik dalam kehidupannya.
Semuanya ini adalah produk dari pilihan sadar kita, berdasarkan keyakinan kita, dan bukan dari produk kondisi keberadaan kita di masa lalu dan saat ini.

Sebagaimana dikatakan oleh Jack Canfield dalam bukunya The Power of Focus, bahwa kehidupan tidak terjadi begitu saja kepada kita. Kehidupan adalah serangkaian pilihan dan bagaimana kita merespons setiap situasi yang terjadi pada kita.

Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

Be creative...

Teguh Yoga Raksa (2010)

#5 tips become creative person

1. Think you are creative

2. See different ways to do daily activities

3. Improvement spirit

4. Have 3 ideas everyday and put in your diary

5. Have five minutes to draw your achievement from your daily work

have a funtastic day, learn action and success (TY)

Selasa, 17 Februari 2009

5 Character Traits to Survive the Recession

By: Helen WhelanFri Feb 6, 2009 at 8:14 PM

Ok. It’s ugly out there. We thought of five traits we believe will bring you luck or at least, help you survive the recession.

1. Choice: Choose who you want to be to reach your goals. This is a great time to reflect and choose who you want to be or need to be to achieve the results you want. Discern between what you can and cannot change. You can’t change the bad weather; you can change your reaction to it.

2. Courage: We all need this to face the present and what could be happening in the future. But, don’t assume the future will be bad by what’s going on today. Stay strong in your convictions and commitments. Be honest with yourself. Be willing to confront your judgments and yourself. Know what you can and cannot change. You can’t change the stock market. Focus on what you can change. Above all, be gentle and compassionate with yourself.

3. Perspective: Listen to others and hear what they have to say. Try to silence your inner dialogue and really listen to them. They may be offering you joy, friendship or a different approach that could be the very answer to your problems.

4. Passion: What gets you fired up even when it’s zero degrees outside or sales are down? What’s that driving force that keeps you going in bad times? You want to know this and show it to your team. It’s the driver that will move you and your team forward.

5. Risk: Whether we like it or not, risk is all around us. We can’t avoid it. The key is to learn from it. Sir Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin, says you won’t always win but leaders dust themselves off, learn, get smarter and try something new.

These five traits are explored in depth in Success Television’s newest corporate training video on leadership, called, The Wisdom of Caring Leaders. Instead of giving you more details on the lives of five well known leaders, out interviewer and former CNN anchor, Donald Van de Mark, digs deeply into their philosophies and applies what he has learned from them to live a more productive and satisfying life both at work and at home.

The video (click here to see a preview) shows how we can tap into our own leadership skills through choice, courage, perspective, passion and risk. We all can possess these skills or ways of being to succeed in any facet of our lives.

In the book called, Synchronicity, The Inner Path of Leaders, by Joel Jaworski, the son of Leon Jaworksi, the special Watergate prosecutor, says it is not about what we “do” to become great leaders but who we “are” or who we want to become. Stephen Covey, the author of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, who is interviewed in our video, explores this concept further saying, “Leaders are not born or made, they are self-made” through their choices.

As a leader, you are choosing to be responsible for your actions and reactions. You choose to be a gentle leader. You choose to empower others without taking the credit. You choose to be open, look for the possibilities and be aware to the many gifts that unfold in front of you. Jaworski writes, “In the beautiful flow of these moments, it seems as if we are being helped by hidden hands.” Has this ever happened to you?

In sports, they call it being "in the zone". Athletes and artists say it’s an experience when you forget time, hear no noise, and move effortlessly and successfully towards your goal. Though emotionally detached, these peak experiences are infused with a quiet joy. The great 20th Century psychologist, Abraham Maslow wrote that you cannot induce or control these "peak experiences" but you can prepare yourself for more of them. Great leaders teach us that diligent preparation by an individual or team opens up the potential for more "flow", more "peak experiences" and more success. If you are truly committed to an idea or project, those who share your passion and courage will join you, work with you, improve your product or service and open a channel for achievement.

Peter Senge, who was the director of the Center for Organizational Learning at MIT and the author of ,The Fifth Discipline, writes in the forward of Synchronicity, “My capacity as a leader comes from my choice to allow life to unfold through me.” This is a key concept because it is not about controlling life, which is so often what we want to do when we’re afraid, under pressure or lost. Attempting to control life is not only futile it is exhausting.

Senge and Jaworski say, the real gift of leadership is about creating new realities. You do that by choosing your way of being. What way of being is that? It’s the way of being you need to be to have what you want. The question is, “Who are you being such that x,y,z can occur?” Who would you have to be to create a great company, live a happy life or write beautiful music? Picture that person. What traits would s/he possess? That’s the start of your answer. From that, new relationships and interactions occur. You become the catalyst for this to happen.

Then, realize that the world is full of infinite relationships and thus possibilities. Are you open to seeing them, listening and creating? Who have you met or what opportunity has unfolded that furthers your or and their passion?

How can you apply this to your team and business? In our video, "The Wisdom of Caring Leaders," we distill five character traits that will help you and your team succeed: choice, compassion, inclusion of different perspectives, passion and risk. Now, as the economic world retrenches this concept of leadership is needed to survive and thrive
source :

Senin, 26 Januari 2009

Developing A Great Character

By: Brian Tracy

Being the Best In Every Area
What is character? Your character is the degree to which you live your life consistent with high, life-enhancing values. A person who lacks character is one who compromises on higher order values in favor of lower order expedience, or who has no values at all. Your adherence to what you believe to be right and true is the real measure of the person you have become to this moment.

Define What "Excellence" Means to You
Let us say that one of your values is "excellence." Your definition of excellence could be, "Excellence means that I set the highest standards for myself in everything I do. I do my very best in every situation and under all circumstances. I constantly strive to be better in my work, and as a person in my relationships. I recognize that excellence is a life-long journey and I work every day to become better and better in everything I do."

Organize Your Actions
With a definition like this, you have a clear organizing principle for your actions. You have set a standard by which you can evaluate your behavior. You have created a framework within which you can make decisions. You have a measuring rod against which you can compare yourself in everything you do. You can continually grade your activities in terms of "more" or "less." You have a clear target to aim at and organize your work around.

Decide What You Want for Your Family
It's the same with each of your other values. If your value is your family, you could define this as, "The needs of my family take precedence over all other concerns. Whenever I have to choose between the happiness, health and well being of a member of my family, and any other interest, my family will always come first."

Keep Focused
From that moment onward, it becomes easier for you to choose. Your family comes first. Until you have fully satisfied the needs of your family, no other time requirement will side track you into a lower value activity.

Shape Your Own Character
The wonderful thing about values clarification is that it enables you to take charge of developing and shaping your own character. When your values and goals, your inner life and your outer life, are in complete alignment, you feel terrific about yourself. You enjoy high self-esteem. Your self-confidence soars.

When you achieve complete congruence between your values and your goals, like a hand in a glove, you feel strong, happy, healthy and fully integrated as a person. You develop a kind of courage that makes you completely unafraid to make decisions and take action. Your whole life improves when you begin living your life by the values that you most admire.

Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do to put this ideas into action immediately.

First, create a clear, written description of your values and what they mean to you. From that point on, resolve to live consistent with your own definition.

Second, discipline yourself to live in complete alignment with the values, virtues and qualities that are most important to you. This is the key to character.

from milist trainer club indonesia, sent by Ellies Sutrisna

Selasa, 23 Desember 2008

Training Needs Analysis

Teguh Yoga Raksa (2008)
Hal yang penting dalam mendesign sebuah program training adalah menganalisa kebutuhan dari organisasi tersebut, Hal yang banyak dilakukan banyak organisasi adalah membuat program yang umum, sehingga tidak jelas arah training yang akan dilakukan. Hal ini dimungkinkan karena organisasi tersebut melakukan training hanya untuk menghabiskan dana saja, dalam hal ini tidak akan mengukur pengaruh dari training tersebut. beberapa kelompok organisasi tersebut melakukan training dengan maksud dan tujuan sebagai berikut :
  1. Program training dalam rangka memotivasi karyawan
  2. Program training adalah rangkaian persyaratan untuk jabatan selanjutnya
  3. Program training hanya sekedar refreshment buat " Karyawan lama"
  4. Program training hanya acara rutin dalam rangka memenuhi hasrat karyawan untuk menjauhkan diri dari rutinitas pekerjaan dst..

hal ini seharusnya sudah mulai dihilangkan, sebelum training sebaliknya dilakukan proses identifikasi kebutuhan organisasi dalam rangka menyambut tantangan ke depan , hal ini dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan beberapa hal :

  1. Key Business Challange , contoh : " Menjadi penghasil produk dengan harga murah dan kualitas yang tinggi "
  2. SWOT Analysis ( Strength , Weakness, Opportunity dan Threat )
  3. Focus Group Discussion atau Interview dengan line manager

hal ini kemudian dapat dijadikan acuan untuk membuat Development Road Map untuk organisasi tersebut yang tentunya disesuakan dengan kompetensi inti maupun kompetensi fungsional yang ada di organisasi tersebut.

selamat mencoba ...salam pembelajar Learn - Action and Success (TY)

Gajah , Harimau dan Semut

Teguh Yoga Raksa (2008)

Permainan ini dapat dilakukan untuk mencairkan suasana atau membuat para peserta training bersemangat kembali.

Peserta : 10 orang atau lebih
Durasi : 10 - 15 menit
Peralatan : -

Aturan permainan :

- Dibagi jadi dua grup (permainan antar group )
- Gajah vs Harimau --> Gajah
- Harimau vs Semut --> Harimau
- Gajah vs Semut --> Semut
- Caranya : Dibagi menjadi 2 bagian kelompok
- Tiap kelompok mengirimkan 2 perwakilan sejumlah tiga orang
bertanding dan menjadi karakter yang diinginkan
- Teknisnya arena dalam lingkaran, ketika loncat secara spontan menjadi karakter yang
- Gajah : tangan kedepan bunyi "muoooooooooooo"
- Harimau : kaki jinjit tangan seperti mau menerkam bunyi " hauuummm"
- Semut : jongkok sambil bersuara " cuuut cuuut "

selamat mencoba, salam pembelajar Learn - Action and Success (TY)

Bagaimana Membuat Training Tidak Membosankan

Teguh Yoga Raksa (2008)

Pernahkah anda mengikuti beberapa training yang membosankan ?
sehingga sedemikian rupa menginginkan cepat berakhir ? apa rahasia orang - orang selalu mendengarkan anda? saya mencoba merefleksikan apa yang saya alami dan beberapa percobaan yang saya lakukan ketika memberikan training.

Beberapa feedback dari peserta training ada hal - hal yang diinginkan ketika training
  1. Sangat terkait dengan yang mereka alami , terutama permasalahan - permasalahan yang timbul di area kerja
  2. Memberikan studi kasus yang relevan dengan bisnis
  3. Tidak membosankan ( dalam hal ini dianjurkan lebih banyak latihan daripada mendengarkan)
  4. Tempat pelatihan jauh dari tempat bekerja sehingga dapat konsentrasi tanpa di interupsi urusan pekerjaan
  5. Dukungan dari atasan / management untuk menerapkan hasil training
harapan - harapan ini tentunya dapat diakomodasi dengan membuat modul training yang relevan dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan bisnis terkait, dengan melakukan beberapa observasi sebelum pelatihan dan sesudah pelatihan.

Dengan demikian kita dapat mengukur secara jelas pelatihan terhadap kinerja perusahaan , baik secara finansial, internal proses, customer perspektif maupun kompetensi karyawan itu sendiri.
selamat mencoba , learn - action and success ( TY)